Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ping's A Star-A Semi Wordless Wednesday Post

Ping is a star!   This picture of her wearing a hat from the Etsy shop All You Need is Pug, which I took in August of 2010, is featured in the Smilers spread in the November/December issue of  Bark Magazine.  I am so excited!  Bark is my favorite magazine and we get a year's free subscription since Ping was chosen.   You can enter your smiling dog on their website.

As for Dr. Zira

 We got the results of  her needle biopsy and the news isn't the best it could be, or the worse.  The tentative diagnosis is a Basal Cell Tumor, generally these are locally invasive but tend not to spread.   The treatment of choice is still surgery but since Zira has a heart murmur we have to consider that as well.  Tomorrow she has an EKG scheduled to see how her heart is doing and  based on that we will decide if surgery is a good option.


  1. Well done Ping, you so deserve to be a star.

    Sorry to hear the bad news about Zira though. Sending you lots of love and hugs. I will cross my paws that tomorrow's EKG brings information that makes the decision easier.

    Lots of love and licks from Winnie and her People of the House

  2. Woof! Woof! Golden CONGRATS! We LOVE BARK too. Happy Wednesday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. The photo of Ping is adorable! We love the hat.
    We are sending positive thoughts and our strength to Zira for a good outcome. Keep us posted.

    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  4. Great shots. Hope you find a good resolution to the surgery issue.

  5. Congrats, Ping! I'll keep my paws crossed for Zira.

  6. Oh my Ping ... you look so cute in your hat! Congratulations - that is quite an honor!

    Zira will will keep your and our prayers.

    Hugs, Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty

  7. Love the pictures! Congrats on getting in the magazine!

    I'll send lotsa woofs & hugs for Zira! :)

    Happy Wednesday! <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  8. Oh poor Zira, i will of course be keeping her in my thoughts and will keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome x

    As for your other news what a fantastic picture, well done Ping!!! =^..^=

  9. Congrats!!! How exciting!!! Sorry to hear the other news. Be sure to keep us posted, you'll be in our thoughts. Christine, Brando, Humphrey, and Ziggy

  10. Congrats to Ping! She deserves to be a star! Sorry to hear about Dr. Zira's tentative basal cell diagnosis - we're keeping paws crossed for her.

  11. Congwatulations Ping!!!
    Yopu look fantastic! I'm not suwpwised they chose you to feetoowe in that tewwific magazine.

    I will cwoss my paws fow little Ziwa..I hope she can be coowed
    I'm sending healing smoochie kisses and love

  12. Congratulations to Ping!! She sure is a star with a big, beautiful smile!!

    I'm sorry to hear about Zira..I keep praying for her for the best.

  13. we have our paws crossed for Ziwa...
    Benny & Lily

  14. Wayduhgo, Ping honey!!!

    Zira, honey.....I wish ya the best with yer surgery or whutever they do. Hang in there, honey!

  15. YaY fur Ping!
    So sorry 'bouts da da outcome of Zira's biopsy, I am sendin' boxer puppy prayers to her asap!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae
