Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tasty Tuesday-Treats for Peeps Butterbeer

Anyone who read this blog knows we are fans of Harry Potter.  Its the subject of our most popular post and our best photo:

 and of course Norbert and Weasley's names come from the books.

When mom saw a recipe for Butterbeer, a fictional drink often described in Harry Potter, on one of her favorite food websites Food 52 she had to give it a try.  The Harry Potter characters are forever quaffing Butter Beer on chilly days and October seems the perfect time to try the sweet and spicy drink.  Mom made only one change to the recipe using Reed's Ginger Beer in place of ginger ale (don't worry despite it's name Ginger Beer is still  non-alcoholic).  In fact the company must think like mom because they are now selling a bottled butterscotch soda inspired by Harry Potter on their website!  It really is a very tasty and warming drink (even if you are not a Harry Potter fan.)

Butter Beer (not for dogs of course)

2 tbsp butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
pinch of salt
3 cups cider
1 tsp vanilla
1 bottle Reed's Ginger Beer

Melt the butter in a pot and mix in the brown sugar and heavy cream and add the pinch of salt.  Cook over medium low heat stirring frequently until a smooth butterscotch forms.   Add the cider and whisk.   Heat for about 10 min, stirring frequently,  until the butterscotch dissolves into the cider.  Stir in the vanilla.  Take off the heat and stir in the Ginger Beer.   Serve with lots of sweetened whip cream!

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  1. wow, im thinking Id probally gain 5 pounds after drinking that hehehe

  2. Well, the butter beer doesn't sound like my thing, but that first photo is calendar worthy. Love it!

  3. It sounds delicious to me....but alas I am too lazy to gather the ingredients to give it a try!

  4. I'd try it but I don't fink Humom will let me..Have a great day xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  5. We loves your pictures..mom said she just wanted to hug and hug your babies! Dad say "no way" on the beer he likes his PLAIN!
    stella rose

  6. Mom says she would love that warm, wonderful drink today :)

  7. Mom always wants to buy thse at B&N http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/unofficial-harry-potter-cookbook-muggles-to-magic?keyword=unofficial+harry+potter+cookbook+muggles+to+magic&store=allproducts


  8. That's sounds really interesting and also really good. Warm drinks sound really good right now that it's getting cooler!

  9. Surprisingly enough, this does sound like a yummy drink to enjoy on a nice cold day! :)

  10. Sounds nice on a cold day. Hope you are having a terrific Tuesday. I have spookified Norbert and Weasley for this week, keep your eyes peeled but can you just comment me a link(s) for the rest of the gang.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Woof! Woof! WOW! mom never had this drink. Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Tasty Tuesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  12. Ooooh, our human brother would love the butter beer, he is a fan of ginger beer! We will show him your recipe, thanks!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. I love Harry Potter! I will have to try that beer recipe, it sounds delicious. I've never had butter beer, or ginger beer. I'm sure my boyfriend would love it though!

  14. That recipe makes my teeth hurt! It does sound good though! :)

  15. Those treats sound wonderful!
    Benny & Lily

  16. that beews sounds vewy yummie and gweat fow a cold fall day. I love youw pictoowes and outfits you make pawfect Hawwy Pottews

    I am so happy that Tubby is a suwvivow and hope that dweaded C nevew evew comes back!
    smoochie kisses

  17. That recipe looks so good! Even my human is drooling (but don't tell her I told you!). Thank you for posting it. I know my human is going to give it a try! Yummers!

    You pups make the best Harry Potter's I have ever seen! Too adorable! :->


  18. Yum! That sounds delicious! I think we might need a few of those drinks this weekend. ;-)

  19. Wow! Thanks for sharing!!! Love the pictures!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  20. Totally into the HP theme of this post! Have always wanted to try butterbeer. Have to give your recipe a go :)

  21. Mama is just waiting for fall to hit Vancouver, so that she can snuggle up in her Gryffindor scarf and sip Hot Butterbeers. She's quite the fan of the stuff!
