Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Mischief-T Shirt Give Away

May is an important month for us here about Urban Hounds.  Its the month our  Ping was born 9 years ago

Ping as a puppy

 and on the 12th we will bringing our new pug Weasley into our home.

In honor of Ping's birthday and Weasley's arrival we will be giving away a A Diva Dog Design T-Shirt.  This is one of our favorite Etsy shops and they have fabulous products.   Its where we got the adorable initial shirts that Tubby and Bob received on their birthdays (don't tell her but Ping will be getting one too!)

I choose initial shirts because they reminded me of the Weasley sweaters in Harry Potter

 but Francesca, the Diva Dog shop owner, can make anything.  There are aplique stars, flowers, squirrels, pumpkins, etc.  All of the shirts are super cute, high quality, and reasonably priced.  Right now she is revamping her shop and coming up with new designs.  

To enter the contest all you have to do is comment on this post and on May 14 we will announce a winner.  Your price will be an adorable shirt in your dogs size, choose one  of the designs featured, or dream up your own, the skys the limit!  

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pug History-William the Silent and Pompey

 Professor Tubby here

Two days ago, April 24, marked an important day in puggie history,  the birth date, in 1553 of William the Silent.

The Prince of Orange and an important political leader.  Whose life just happened to be saved by a pug, one Pompey.

William was a leader in the Dutch struggle against the Spanish King.   His opposition set off a revolt against Spain which lead to the eighty years war and the eventual establishment of Dutch Republic.

The outcome of the war, the fate of the Dutch Republic, and modern European History might all be very different if it wasn't for little Pompey.  William regularly took his beloved Pompey to the battle front and one night Spanish assassins attempted to sneak up to the Prince's tent.   Pompey  heard them, and either fearing for his master's life or hoping that the visitors where bearing midnight snacks,  began barking furiously.  The assassination attempt was foiled and a grateful William honored Pompey's bravery by making the pug  the official dog of the House of Orange.  

William's mausoleum in St. Ursula's church in Delft depicts Pompey reclining at his  master's feet.  I looked and looked but my puggy eyes could not make out little Pompey in this photo, but my Internet search assure me he is there.

The House of Orange's devotion to pugs continued after William's death and when his successor William the Third became joint ruler of England through his marriage to Mary II  their pugs attended the coronation in velvet ribbons.  The enduring popularity of the pug in England, and America, is due in no small part to the heroic efforts of Pompey, an inspiration for pugs everywhere.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poem in Your Pocket Day

Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day and so we are sharing a poem from the adorable book Doggerel: Poems About Dogs:

My Comforter

The world had gone all wrong that day
And tired and in despair, 
Discouraged with the ways of life,
I sank into my chair.

A soft caress fell on my cheek,
My hands where thrust apart,
And two big sympathizing eyes
Gazed down into my heart.

I  had a friend; what cared I now
For fifty worlds? I knew
One heart was anxious when I grieved---
My dog's heart, loyal, true.

"God bless him," breathed I soft and low,
And hugged him close and tight.
One lingering lick upon my ear 
And we were happy---quite.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Winners Wednesday

We have been very luck lately.  First in March we won an e-copy of the book The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood  from our friend Kolchak  at Kol's Notes, mom has been awful lazy about reading it (sheesh she has had over a month!) but we have caught her reading some other stuff.  She promises that as soon as she is done she will post a review.  

Then later in March we won our friend Wilma's birthday contest benefiting pug rescue.   First we got a twenty five dollar gift certificate to Pugs in the Kitchen, woo hoo!  That is a lot of tasty noms and as we have kind of a treat overload here, mom is hanging onto the certificate until we eat our way through our current treat stash (we are more then up to the challenge).  That wasn't all we won from the super generous Wilma though, and yesterday a package arrived

"Oooh smells interesting!"

In the package was a lovely and thoughtful pug card from Wilma, and her mom and her  siblings Brigitte and Sluggo.  

Then even better there was a beautiful and soft fleece blanket

We loved the monkey print, it reminds us of our sweet angel sister Dr. Zira,
who passed away in March.   Mom put the blanket on Dr. Z's special bed.  We all wanted to try it out.

So nice and soft

Come on Baby, let me have a turn

But that wasn't all, there was also an adorable print of a pug riding a bicycle!  

The perfect thing for a family with a bike riding puggie like Ping!

We are so greatful to Kol and Wilma for our prizes, and for all the money they have raised for dog rescue.

But the winning streak doesn't stop here........

We also won the fabulous Bunk's  Easter contest and we will be getting a custom drawing from Bailey's mom.    We are going to use it to have our new brother Weasley drawn after he comes home, since mom already has paintings of the rest of us.   We are sure Bailey's mom will create a masterpiece.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tasty Tuesday-Brunch Frittata

Ahhhh brunch

Mom and dad love brunch.   Mom even keeps an ever changing list  of brunch places to try on her computer and they think nothing of traveling into the city to try a new brunch place.   On the weekends at home they regularly spend time that they could use to make us treats or play with us to make pancakes, and eggs, muffins and what not.  Thats all well and good, but can you believe that other then giving us a few scraps when we dine with them at outdoor cafes or sit begging by the table, they have never made anything brunchy for us!

This situation had to be rectified so this weekend we got mom to make us a Frittata.  The recipe was in Modern Dog Magazine but mom tweaked it a bit by adding blackberries for health benefits and changing the amounts. 

Pooch Friendly Frittata 

5 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
1tbsp oil
1 cup blackberries or any other fruit or veggies your pup likes

Preheat oven to 375.  Beat the eggs and milk together.  Heat the oil in a small skillet over low heat.  Add the eggs and milk and stir over low heat, stirring constantly with a heat proof spatula or wooden spoon, until it thickens and a few curds form.  Then place in the oven for 20 minutes.  

Full Disclosure: Mom burned our Frittata.  She forgot to set the oven timer and by the time she remembered to take it out like this

Cajun Frittata!  We still ate it up though, hounds always appreciate home cooking.

If you want to make a Fritata for the Peeps this is a good one based on an omelet recipe from Tyler Florence (of course a Frittata is just an omelet baked in the  oven)

Asparagus and Herb Frittata (Note mom didn't burn hers!)

8 to 10 spears of Asparagus bottom two inches removed
1 yellow onion sliced
extra virgin olive oil
kosher salt and pepper
12 large eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp melted butter, cooled
4-8 slices Proscuitto or other ham (optional), chopped
2 tbsp thyme leaves
6 slices sourdough bread 
4 ounces brie or other soft cheese
2 cups arugula salad mix
1/2  lemon
chives for garnish

Preheat oven to 375 Place the asparagus and onion on a sheet pan and drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper.  Roast 15 minutes and then remove the asparagus and roast 20 minutes more.  Leave onion on.

Whisk the eggs and cream together and beat in the butter.   Season with salt and pepper.  Heat a skillet over low heat and add the eggs.   Stir slowly with a heat proof rubber spatula or wooden spoon until the eggs thicken and a few small curds are visible.  Remove from the heat and scatter over the asparagus, onions, and ham.  Place in the oven to cook for 10-20 minutes until puffed, but not brown, watch closely. 

While the Fritatta is cooking put sourdough bread on a sheet pan and toast in the oven for five minutes.  Remove from the oven and top with slices of the cheese and put back in the oven until cheese melts.  Place the arugula  in a large bowl and drizzle over 1 tbsp olive oil and a sqeeze of lemon juice.  Toss.

Remove omelet from oven and top with the chives.  Serve with the cheese toast and salad.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Mischief Bob's Dragon Tag

This isn't all that mischievous but a belated birthday gift for Bob arrived this weekend (that was mom's fault she didn't order it soon enough).  Anyway the gift is a new tag from the Etsy shop Fetch A Passion TagsIts a super cute dragon tag and goes great with his Viking collar from Day Dog Designs.

With his new duds Bob looks even handsomer then before, something I didn't think was possible!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earthday-Vegeterian Recipes for People

Earth day is a little bit of a bust over here.  Its raining, raining, raining and we hate the rain so we are inside taking naps.

 Mom is cooking, and even though she is a carnivore like us (or at least a meat lover) in honor of Earth day she is making some vegetarian recipes, since vegetarian cooking is easier on the environment.

First she made her absolute favorite pasta.

Summer Garden Pasta from Ina Garten 

4 pints of cherry tomatoes (Ina Garten uses the red ones  but I think the recipe is better with the mixed color cherry tomatoes, red, yellow and orange)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
6 cloves of garlic minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
1 package angel hair pasta
8 ounces of grated Parmesan cheese (the real Italian stuff)

At least four hours before you want to eat the pasta cut the tomatoes in half and combine with the olive oil, garlic, salt, and crushed red pepper.  Cover with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature.

When you are ready to serve the pasta put the water on to boil.  Thinly slice 18 basil leaves and toss in with the tomatoes, set aside a few other leaves for garnish.  Grate the Parmesan cheese and stir into the tomatoes.   

Cook the pasta until and toss with the tomatoes.

Caprese Salad

This is so simple its barely even a recipe and more of an idea.

2 to 3 large tomatoes (I used these cool purple tomatoes they had on Fresh Direct this week.)
8 ounces of buffalo mozzarella 
olive oil
salt and pepper

Slice the tomatoes and place them on a plater.  Slice the cheese and arrange around the tomatoes.    Drizzle over olive oil and the salt and pepper.   Top with a handful of basil leaves.

The best part of the meal was the dessert.  

Passion Fruit and Raspberry Mess or Pavlova

 This started life as a Pavlova but it cracked so I served it a Trifle Bowl like Eton Mess.

5 large egg whites
pinch salt
1 cup vanilla sugar (you can make this by storing some sugar in a jar or tupper ware with a vanilla bean)
1 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp cornstarch
 1 cup heavy cream
2tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
5 passion fruit
1 pint raspberries.

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.   In an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attatchment beat the egg whites on high with the pinch of salt until soft peaks form.   Gradually add the sugar as you beat until you have used all the sugar and firm peaks form.   This should take about 3 minutes.   Sprinkle over the cornstarch and vinegar and fold in.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  Mound the meringue mix in the center of the paper in a circle.   Cook for one hour.  Turn off then oven and let cook completely.

At this point you can decide if you want to make Pavlova or mess.   When I took my pavlova out of the oven it cracked.  I probably did not let it cool long enough.  So I brought it up and put it in Trifle serving bowl.   If  your pavlova doesn't crack you can just put it on a serving plate.

Whip the cream in the mixer with chilled beaters until soft peaks form.  Add the sugar and vanilla and beat until firmer peaks form.  Top the pavlova or mess with the cream.   Cut the passion fruit in half and extract the seeds and scatter over the Pavlova/Mess.   Scatter over the raspberries.

We have an excess of doggie treats over here right now, what with all the treats we have ordered from Mr. Chewy, but last year I did post a recipe for Earth Day Friendly dog treats you can check it out here.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Puggies Who Brunch-Tubby's Trip to Bar at 10th Willow

Since we come from such a big family mom and dad are big on giving us one on one time on the weekends.  So after this mornings family walk it was Tubby's turn for some extra attention from the pawrents.   Tubby got to go with mom and dad to Hoboken.   His first stop was Patricias Yarns.

While mom bought some yarn for new projects Tubby got to play with Riley, 

the Yorkie belonging to the store owner.   He reminded us of our blog friend Pip.

Then we went to Beowoof Provisions for Pets

 where we bought some doggie toothpaste and  a bowl for our new brother Weasley, 19 days until he comes home!  We can't wait.

Then we headed to Bar at 10th and Willow for brunch.

Tubby looked pretty cute in his Muttrosexual shirt.

He waited eagerly for a taste.

"Come on Ma, I'm starving!"
Finally, mom relented and decided to give Tubby a taste of her cheese fries (the cheese fries at Tenth and Willow are very good, they are dusted in ranch dressing powder and served with hot sauce and the cheese, Yum!, and especially good with a Bloody Mary)

"OMP-These are Good!  To bad mom won't let me try that Bloody Mary"

One on one time is always great!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Introducing Weasley

We picked out the pup from this litter who is going to be our new little dog Weasley.  He is the one she is calling Blake in the argyle collar:

The first video shows Weasley at four weeks on his first trip outside.  I love that he is the bravest one, first off the towel.   A true brave Gryffindor  just like his fictional name sake Ron Wesley.  The second video shows him at five weeks.  He is coming home May 12!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tasty Tuesday-Bob's Birthday Recipes

Bob, like most dogs, is a meat lover (well he is an anything edible lover) but he does love his meat.   For his 5th Birthday I decided to make him a turkey and beef meat loaf cake with liver frosting, the liver frosting is Kolchak Puggle great recipe for whoopee pies.

Bob's Meat Lover Birthday Cake

  •  1 1lb ground beef
  • 1 1lb ground turkey
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/4 cup wheat germ
  • 1 10 oz bag mixed frozen vegetables, I use Cascadian Farms
  • 2 beaten eggs
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Stir the meats, pumpkin, oatmeal, and wheat germ together until well combined.  Next add the vegetables and the eggs and mix well.   Spray a cake pan with non stick spray and add the meat mixture.  Bake 1 hour.

Liver Frosting From Kol's Notes

1/2 1lb of cooked liver (I used beef but chicken would be fine)

1/4 cup of water

Chopped the liver up very fine in the food processor and add the water as it runs.  Process until a paste forms.  

 Peeps got to eat too and I decided to make something meaty for the humans as well.  The hound's dad loves brisket so I decided to try some brisket sandwiches I had been thinking of making for a while, and boy where they good.

Barbecued Brisket Sandwiches with Blue Cheese Coleslaw Adapted from Bon Appetite (sorry for the bad picture)

 Spice Rub
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp ancho chili powder
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 2 tsp Old Bay Seasoning
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 1/2 tsp Kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp all spice
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1/2 tsp cumin

Combine all of the ingredients for the spice rub in a container.  This can be done one week ahead.

Barbecue Sauce
  • 1 large dried Ancho chili
  • 1 cup pomegranate juice
  • 3/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1 6 ounce can tomato paste

Soak the Ancho chili in 1/2 cup of hot water.   Combine the chili, soaking liquid, pomegranate juice, dark brown sugar, pineapple juice, molasses and tomato paste in a large pot and whisk until completely combined.  Heat over medium low heat until it simmers gently, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring frequently.  Stir in 2 tbsp of spice rub and cook 10 minutes more and stir frequently.  This can be made 2 days ahead.

 Blue Cheese Coleslaw
8 slices, of bacon cooked and crumbled
1 1/2 packages coleslaw mix (16 ounces)
3/4 cup mayonaise
2 tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
1 tbsp maple syrup
8 ounces blue cheese, crumbled

Combine the coleslaw mix and bacon in a large bowl.   Whisk the liquid ingredients together well.   Add to the coleslaw and mix until well combined. 


  • 1 3-5 lb flat cut brisket
  • 1 1/2 cups dark brown sugar
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup beef broth
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 medium yellow onion chopped
  • 3/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 2 chopped garlic clovers
  • 1 tsp kosher salt

Rub the brisket all over with the spice rub and place in the slow cooker.  Combine all of the other ingredients until the sugar is dissolved and pour over the brisket.  Cook on low for 12 hours (do this the night before you want to eat it).

 In the morning refrigerate the brisket and the cooking liquid in separate containers.   Before you are ready to make the brisket remove the hardened fat from the cooking liquid.   Combine the cooking liquid and 1 1/4 cups of barbecue sauce in the blender.  Shred the meat and place it in a large pot.  Add the barbecue sauce mixture and heat over low heat until warmed through.

For the Sandwiches
  • Rye Bread
  • Blue Cheese Coleslaw

 Toast the bread and top with brisket and coleslaw.  Its really yummy

Monday, April 16, 2012

Birthday Bagel

Sunday was Bob's real birthday, so we decided to treat our birthday boy to a birthday bagel.  We took him to Smashed Bagels in Hoboken

its a place that takes a bagel and you guessed......smashes it!

Bob waited outside with mom while Dad when in to get the bagels.

Sheesh, what is taking so long!!!

Ooooh I can smell it, plain bagel with mozzarella cheese, I can't wait until it cools down so I can eats it.

Yum, Yum

Nosh, Nosh


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bob's Birthday Give Away Winner Announcement

Quiet please, its time to announce the winner of Bob's Birthday Bulldanna Give Away......

We did the drawing very scientifically.   I put the names of all the doggies who entered in a hat.   Then I showed the hat to Bob, 

He sniffed it up and I drew out the winner's name!  It was..

Sid from Pug Slope! 
Sid will win a certificate good for a custom bulldanna, or in the case pugdanna, from P Dawg Accessories.