Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Product Review-Wholistic Pet Salmon Oil

Mom has definitely mentioned before how much she loves the online store Olive Green Dog.  They carry toys, treats, collars, coats, beds, and health products all with a healthy, crunchy, green vibe that is right up her alley.    Mom's absolute favorite thing about Olive Green Dog though is that they carry Wholistic Pet Deep Sea Salmon Oil.  

Most forward thinking pet parents these days are well aware of the myriad benefits of salmon oil, particularly for senior pets like us.   Just in case you are not aware of the advantages, take a look at the list below.  Professor Tubby says: "please take notes as needed."

Professor Tubby

  • Fish oil is an important source of omega-3 l fatty acids (the good guy fats).
  • It has natural anti-inflamatory properties and as such is excellent for dogs suffering for osteoarthritis, which is at least 1 in 5 adult dogs and 1 in 2 senior dogs.
  • Since inflamation also plays a role in allergies, fish oil is a great supplement for dogs suffering from itchy scratchies.
  • Heart disease-Dogs in heart failure have lower levels of DHA and EPA (those Omega-3 fatty acids) in their blood so suplementing with fish oil is very helpful.   Also, by giving your healthy dog fish oil you help prevent heart disease from developing.
  • Cancer-Fish oil has antioxidant properties (meaning it helps fight of the big C).  Plus, if your dog already has cancer fish oil can help counteract weight loss and may increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
  • Doggie Brains-Older dogs, just like older people, can start to get a little fuzzy in the thinking and remembering department.  DHA  is a building block in brain tissue so supplementing your dog's diet with fish oil may stave off doggie Alzheimers.
  • Eyes: DHA is also found in the retina of the eye so fish oil helps to promote eye health.  (Tubby's old guy eyes are just fine: his glasses are just for show!)
So with all these great benefits its obvious that mom has to give us all Salmon oil which brings us back to the wonders of Wholistic Pet Deep Sea Salmon Oil, thi stuff comes in a 64 ounce container!  No dinky little 8  ounce vials.   This might  not seem like a big deal to those of you with small families, but trust us keeping five dogs and 3 cats in salmon oil you go through a lot of the stuff.   

Mom used to give us Grizzly Pet Salmon Oil, which was very nice but we would be done with the large size container in two or three weeks.   Mom was constantly ordering more and Dad was wondering why our salmon oil bill surpassed that of our car payment.   Then we switched too Omega 3-6-9 from Spring Time Pets.  This we could order in large sizes, but the product comes in capsule form.  It was nice for freshness but now Mom had to snip open capsules, since we were not about to eat our fish oil in capsule form (except Bob, he'll eat anything).   Mom is not the neatest person and she was forever spraying fish oil all over the kitchen counters (which the previous owners of our home seem to have selected due to their ability to absorb stains).  When she sprayed fish oil on a dress from Anthropologie mom's taste for this product promptly evaporated.

Enter Olive Green Dog and Wholistic Pet Deep Sea Salmon Oil.  The first 64 ounce container mom ordered lasted us five months!!!, and cost only sixty-five dollars.  Plus, its easy to dispense as its pump doesn't get stuck  or clogged like some other pump dispensers we have tried and it fits nicely in our fridge which keeps it frech.  Most importantly, it comes from wild salmon and is completely organic.   It is one product that sure makes us smile!


  1. Great review. Love Professor Tubby! BOL!

  2. Good review! Mama always puts salmon oil or olive oil in my meals too depending on what it is that day!

  3. Now see....I learned something I didn't know. Thank you!

  4. Salmon oil, who knew? Thanks for educating us. Will look into it for sure. Could use it for the anti-inflammatory properties as I age (gracefully of course).


  5. Wow nice blog. It's full of information! :) Though dogs are often fed meat, they are deprived from animals that are not naturally fed resulting in a lack of Omega-3 in the meat. This is an important nutrient and it is beneficial to supplement this where it is found lacking. It is not produced by the body and needs to be obtained through diet.

    Salmon oil is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and is very beneficial for the dog. It helps in the development of the dog’s coat, joints, organs, brain and the general health.

    Benefits of Salmon Oil for Dog: http://salmonoilfordog.com/
