Thursday, May 17, 2012

Major Mom Screw Up-The Winner of Ping' B-day Contest

Mom has lost her head!

It may have something to do with how cute Weasley is and how often she has been taking him out to go potty and to stop what she is doing and say Awwww!

 But really there is no excuse!  Mom needs to get on the ball-she completely forgot to announce the winner of Ping's b-day contest and she was supposed to do it Monday!  Anyway, the winner by random drawing is..........


Ping says congrats!

 He will get an awesome shirt from Diva Dog Designs, like the one Ping is wearing!



  1. Congratulations to Pip! I'm sure it's pretty easy to get side tracked with that cute little face around now!!

  2. Hooray for Pip. Weasly does look like he'd be a fun distraction!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  3. alright! Congrats Pip...Lil W is adorable
    Benny & Lily

  4. Hi There! Silly Mommy! A BIG Congratulations to Pip!
    I love the photo of Ping! Ping is soooo cute! Love, Licks and Hugs from Frank xxxx

  5. Congratulations to Pip! Sounds like your mom is completely distracted by Weasley :-) But I understand...he is just soooo cute!!
